Diet – an excellent option for those who want to lose weight quickly and effectively without wasting too much trouble. Different diet very much. They all have different effects on the body. So before you choose a diet, medical check-read tips and a personalized diet experience. On this page you can unnecessary proven and effective methods of losing weight with special diets.

Some of the diet is the level to monitor, because they have a balanced menu and versatile. The result of such a diet is not immediately visible, but can last for several years. Modern diets are more rigid, but gives quick result, but it lasts a short time. It would be a Good diet should take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. It is very important to fill all the recommendations and diet to maintain its size. Then find a positive result. If you don't give up, it take care of carefully, the man will soon be the owner of a beautiful and slender body.
The list to the right diet effective weight loss, and vegetable-rich diet.
Today, almost every woman is concerned about the problem to get rid of excess weight. In pursuit of the perfect body greatly delighted, when the girl was tortured, heavy, useless, harmful diet and use, and many hours to spend time in gyms. But beautiful shapes can be more easily achieved. Unfortunately, most people do not think about, because it is a complete diet and choose their own. It fact, diet is a special pick up of a nutritionist, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body. Offer to meet with the two diets that will help lose weight without harm to the body.
In the morning water before Breakfast drink a glass. Breakfast salad with Apple, pear and citrus fruit, dressed with low-fat yogurt. For lunch for dinner it is necessary and to eat vegetable salad (you can use all the vegetables, except the potatoes), season with lemon juice and olive oil. During the day, drink low-fat yogurt. You will also need large quantities of drinking water, be both useful green tea.
For breakfast, eat a sandwich of rye bread with butter Apple and banana. For lunch a few potatoes and coat a slice of low-fat cheese. Dinner, boiled 50 grams of chicken and a prepared salad. The most important is this rule of diet is to drink a lot of water before each meal eat a salad with celery, tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. Dressed the salad with lemon juice and spices. Thank you diet-to-phone with this body in order to bring quickly without exposing the body to severe are stress. But we must remember that no matter what you eat, the result is not complete without sports. Healthy nutrition and Sports are a good picture of the key.
Not What to do during and diet will not harm your health.
The decision to go on a diet, cause despair rather than its made personal to beautiful. Several dieters overdo it with the time and food, sitting on the unfortunately short period of time, restrict your diet and the diet after the beginning, which leads to more weight gain. Very often people who come to the gym, try to pick up a trainer any time soon effective diet, so fast and in a short time to lose it. It is to eat carrots a week easily as long time properly and eat its consistent health. But he did not forget or mean that you can use to lose weight. If it connects And exercise, the result is stunning! Keep in mind, that the body, bad jokes does not forgive, when and with food you can play, he will give You the lost pounds yet, but a bonus.
The first error. I want to tell you very harmful to the diet, which is considered high-speed when losing weight. This liquid diet. You can drink in vain for water, tea, yogurt, kefir. The girls don't even mean harm and what is its stomach they cause! Not you're getting the necessary vitamins, which causes problems with thinking, movement, pay distribution. The stomach Also does not work properly, does not get dense food, which can cause serious problems in the very, even a stomach ulcer. And then when you want to return to a normal diet, a Man can't do, because of how the abdominal pain, the severity will other things and. Don't forget, that nature has given us teeth to chew! The digestion of food, which is already happening in the mouth, necessary for the normal and the functioning of the stomach gastric juices! Very warn You, this diet!
Another error. Someone, someone once said that is the norm, the energy value which must be respected, this 1200 kcal. This is nonsense! Each Person has their own energy value, that is his to fulfil. It can be reduced to any table on the Internet. Greatly delighted, when the girl will greatly rejoice after the girl and the growth 1.75 1.50 growth, will never be able to use the same number of calories. Also, don't forget, the sweetness of the amount that are not included. In vain the pure products that are beneficial and not harmful. The third error. I've heard rumors about how to lose weight fast, need to dry. This means that man must limit the intake of water a day to 0.5 liters. In any case, so don't do it! This to no avail with the athletes and the competition. Don't get the impression that the water weight will increase. Our body consists of 80% water and this if we have him some water to take it can lead to loss of consciousness or a hospital bed! Do yourself a Favor and do not go to such extremes!

Little secrets tricks of diet and weight loss.
Maybe everyone greatly rejoice when a girl dreams of a beautiful, slim and toned figure. Especially This is true, before beach season, or before any major holiday Festival, New year, 8. March. It is important to new look so, all the advantages of emphasizing the dress, or be the most beautiful beach. To achieve success, at least not without a good diet. Allows you to harmony ease and achieve, to accustom the body less intake of food, and as a consequence gradual weight loss and maintaining it at the desired level. With the help of this article, you Are sure to learn a few small, but very effective ways to reduce weight via diet. So let's start. First of all, almost all diets are based on a separate feed and are based on a fundamental principle - the principle of not mixing carbs together and proteins. This means that the one meal you Can eat or useless junk carbohydrates proteins. Another Secret is the fact that it is necessary to eat often, BUT small portions. The rule is to measure the volume of consumed food, for example, a small Cup.
The third installment of our collection, however, in vain around the pot section, in which you eat. Have you ever wondered what your brain along with your stomach sends signals of hunger? If You are faced with a huge plate, and it is even sufficient food-the dose, your brain will signal, that a lot of food, and it would be nice to eat something else. So I tried in vain to eat a small dish, like a beautiful fabric father boards or with a small spoon. This way you Can cheat your brain to your body to insure that you have enough food on the plate. The fourth point, we would like to see the aesthetic function of the food. If you have dumped a pile of chunks of chicken, potato salad and, You're the stabilisation and association agreement, anything to the aesthetic enjoyment of food consumption and thus satisfying food. If you have a beautifully decorated dish, in addition to pleasure to serve and for food, you Can enjoy the kind of meals as a result squeeze into and can a small amount of food. Not content, its biggest, the last, five the secret to always successful weight loss is in a good mood, adequate exercise and of course Love!
The effects of diet and tips on how to eat properly, in order not to harm the figure.
Many women want to look good, to please men and have resorted to a variety of diets that harm the body, which leads to various consequences. There plenty and opportunities to torture yourself to show off in front of others. This is what this article we are going to discuss. It is very fashionable to look slimmer, looking at the magazine cover, which is described in the models without individual faults with regard to the figures. Young people And why do girls want to be like them, by applying the most painful steps, leaving the body in a state of starvation, deprive themselves of the opportunity to eat properly. But this leads to unnecessarily dangerous as a result of which removal can be very difficult:
- It is a violation of the metabolism and develops, if the cachexia (wasting syndrome), which looks awesome.
- When the body suffers from inadequate intake of nutrients, there is a weakness, leading to and resulting in dizziness lowered resistance to various diseases.
- Is in a bad mood irritability yes also insomnia.
- Lost focus on solving problems, because starvation of the brain tissue.
- In advanced cases suffering from hair and nails to become fragile and weakened.
- Do not think that after terminating the process of fasting you are going to eat without gaining weight, usually after such a breach in the nutrition of the body half I tried to make up for stocks and missing inflames the appetite even more, when there is a risk to add a lot of unnecessary pounds.
- And last - all these can affect the sacrifice of your life, so no need to risk it.
Looks in good condition, not necessarily forcing himself on hunger strike in vain to follow a few tips that will come in handy in the future:
- So don't waste time cooking, many have resorted to the use of products such as instant food (noodles, noodles, potatoes and much more), which leads to no vain accumulation of the body of harmful substances, but also metabolic disorders and it is natural that the weight will rise. Why exclude them from your diet.
- Eat small portions, but often the food can easily and other digested in the stomach to chew carefully and do not rush.
- The rule is eat, or until 18.00 to 19.00, unless of course someone can work, then 4 hours before going to bed, do not push to put the food into the stomach body extra pounds, because of my sleep and rest and calories burned, but to no avail growth.
- Eat less sweets, fat and fried, I'm not saying to completely abandon these foods, but not in vain to download them, so don't look at myself in the mirror with a sad expression.
- No, eat more fruits and vegetables - they have no calories and are also beneficial.
Diet-fasting, one of the methods of body cleansing and improve brain function.
Fasting known since ancient times. It was one of the treatment methods of the primitive people. It takes hundreds of years – the person is still hungry, accidentally injured or sick. The practice of fasting was set up not only a method of body cleansing, but also the spiritual purification and restoration. The great Pythagoras before, in order for their students to science is to refrain from eating during the month. It was believed that long-term fasting to purify and elevate the mind of man to the top. Right, moderate fasting cleanses the body, and restore the health of the mental sphere of the person. Now, in today's world the person used in conjunction with fasting medicinal plants.
Way One positive effect here fasting is that people have three-day fasting. After 72 hours, improves brain function. Previously formed an unresolved task becomes clear and simple. To get a sharp memory, remember names, places, details of events that have been forgotten a few years ago. One of the major objectives of the rules to develop intelligence, so does the development of intellectual copyright and self-development. This suggests that the use of fasting has a positive effect on a person in several ways – is the physical restoration, spiritual growth and spiritual cleansing.
Diet "favorite". reviews and diet.
A beautiful body is a dream, it seems are always. Because I was a childhood chubby, but I don't in childhood hesitated, I said, that I feel so good. For 13 years I was beginning to think that I don't see, not as good as my girlfriend. He have started to flirt with the boys, and for me, they had a book short shorts to use, but I'm not. I became very Soon a passive shy and, although I like the kid, I'll push them, because he was well and thick uncomfortable feel. Aloin starving it, but it is not good does not lead, as a couple of days, one of the and the water I had eaten as a result, plus the extra pounds. And well for so long. I decided Then, that I'd rather keep the diet. Many diets I've tried, but the result is not satisfied, the weight sent to pois, but not as much as I would like.
And now I want to share is the diet, which helped me a lot. I sat on it for 4 months and lost 19 lbs. This is probably the diet known a lot of girls, it is called "Favorite". With him I gained self-confidence! Keep it very simple, like the diet can make several. Published for the first months I ate very little but drank a lot of fluids. Above all, I leaned on the fruits and vegetables and ate protein a day to no avail one of the chicken breast. Month I added the eggs the Second time in a week, potatoes once a fortnight. The fourth month, I still stabilisation and association agreement myself oatmeal in the morning twice a week. But most importantly, I want to say, you have to be to lose weight from the heart. One of the few should be a great desire!